Bushfield Road Infant School


Attendance / Term Time Absence

We would like every child to aspire to achieve 100% attendance and expect children to attend school every day and on time.

Government guidelines state that any child whose attendance falls below 90% may be classed as being persistently absent (PA) from school. As a result you need to be aware that our attendance procedures mean you may receive letters advising you of your child’s attendance percentage.

It is important that Parents/Carers advise us of absence by telephone on the morning that their child is absent for any reason, including illness. Failure to contact school may result in the absence being marked in our school registers as unauthorised and categorised as truancy.

Absences due to illness may be required to be confirmed with medical evidence, for example GP appointment card or letter, GP prescription slip, slips from the minor ailment scheme at pharmacists, or school nurse confirmation. For absences over three days we advise you automatically provide medical evidence.

If a child has 10 sessions (5 days) persistent absence recorded as unauthorised in the school register, a referral will automatically be made to the Education Inclusion Service as a failure to secure regular school attendance.

If you are aware of any problems or issues that may impact on your child’s attendance please let school know as soon as possible. We are able to offer appropriate support or signpost to other agencies for help, such as the School Nurse, and all matters will be treated confidentially.

Leave of Absence (Holidays in Term Time)

The law states there is no longer any entitlement for parents/carers to take their child out of school for a leave of absence during term time.

Head Teachers may only grant leave of absence for exceptional circumstances and an application must be made in writing or by completing a leave of absence form, which can be obtained from the school office. Evidence must be provided to support any request considered as an exceptional circumstance. Leave for the purpose of a family holiday is not considered an exceptional circumstance.

If an application is refused, each Parent/Carer may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice for taking their child out of school without authorisation from the Head Teacher. A Penalty Notice is £60 per Parent/Carer and increases to £120 per Parent/Carer if not paid within 21 days.

Failure to pay a Penalty Notice or if a Penalty Notice does not act as a deterrent and a child continues to miss his/her education, then the Education Inclusion Service may consider legal proceedings in the Magistrates Court.


Children can arrive at school from 8.45am and must be supervised closely by parents/carers in the playground until the school day starts at 8.55am. If your child arrives at school after 9.05am they will receive a late mark and you must sign them into school at the main office. Lateness to school can be very unsettling for children and disruptive for the class.

Persistent lateness may also be marked in our school registers as unauthorised and can also be considered as a failure to secure regular attendance.

More information on Education Welfare >

More information on School Attendance >