Bushfield Road Infant School

Our School


Bushfield Infant School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all children and we aim to meet the needs of every individual pupil in school.

Occasionally, some children experience greater difficulties in aspects of their learning than others. They may be identified as having a Special Educational Need. In line with the new 0-25 SEND Code of Practice, September 2014, these children receive additional support which is targeted to meet their individual needs.

(The SEND Code of Practice 2014 defines a child as having Special Educational Needs if they have, ‘a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age’ or ‘has a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream school.’)

The school SEND/Inclusion coordinator is Mrs T Bass, Head Teacher

The school SEND/Inclusion Governor is Mrs D James

SEND can refer to a wide range of significant difficulties, including communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Mental and Emotional Health and wellbeing, Sensory and Physical.

North Lincolnshire's SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

Local Offer

The Local Offer is for:

  • Children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) from 0-25 years
  • Their parents and carers
  • Practitioners and professionals

The Local Offer:

  • Gives information about education, health and care services in North Lincolnshire
  • Provides information about leisure activities and support groups
  • Holds the information in one place
  • Is clear, comprehensive and accessible
  • Makes service provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations
  • Is co-produced with young people, families and providers


SENDIASS provides a free, impartial and confidential service to parents and carers of children with SEND aged 0-25 years. They also support children and young people with SEND.

SENDIASS (Parent Partnership)
Hewson House
Station Road
DN20 8XJ

Telephone: 01724 277665
email: sendiass@northlincs.gov.uk

Educational Inclusion:

Through appropriate provision, we respect the fact that children

  • have different educational and behavioural needs
  • require different strategies for learning
  • learn and process information at different rates
  • need a variety of different teaching approaches and experiences

At the heart of the SEND reforms are the children and their families and at Bushfield Infants we are committed to keeping parents/carers informed about the support being offered and the progress being made through regular reviews. The school is also able to access a range of support agencies provided by the Local Authority and National Health Service to help meet specific needs. ( Please see the school SEND Policy for further information.)

Application for Education, Health and Care needs Assessment

In some cases, a pupil’s needs may remain substantial and cannot be met effectively within the resources normally available to school. The school in this situation may inform the Local Authority with a view to a formal assessment and ultimately an Education and Health care Plan.


The school is a single level building with single steps or ramps at entrances. There are two disabled toilets available in school. Admission arrangements are the same for all pupils, and discussions with the head Teacher/SEND coordinator may be necessary if specialist arrangements need to be made.

What parents say

‘I am more than happy with the support received at Bushfield. Myself and my husband have received support/guidance and reassurance from the school which we will always be grateful for.’

‘The termly SEND reviews have been extremely helpful. I have felt that school/home are working together.’

‘We feel school has been helpful and informative regarding issues that may have arisen and worked with us to help our son gain an assessment from CAMHS. If I ever approach school wanting to discuss anything, they are always accommodating.’

What our pupils say

‘I did well and I can read lots of new words. My next goal is to form my letters correctly. Having a sound mat helps me.’

‘I know lots of new sounds. My goal is to learn the last few sounds now. Having my ‘bits and bobs’ helps me.’

‘I am good at spelling my words. I would like to be able to read some new words. Giving me a sound mat helps me.’

‘I’ve done well. I read a lot at home. I want to learn the sounds I don’t know.’

Further SEND Support


Parent support site for children with speech and language difficulties. Speech activities will help your child to hear the difference between speech sounds (sound discrimination) and to identify sounds at the beginning and ends of words (phonics). These skills are important for both talking and reading. Language activities will help develop your child’s ability to follow instructions, understand talking and learn new words more easily.

EAL (English as an Additional Language) related resources for learners and their families, compiled by many professionals around the world and accumulated by National Association of Language Development in the Curriculum (NALDIC). The link to NALDIC page is currently located on the EMTAS page of the SEND Local Offer:

under useful websites and resources.

ParentsPlus eclinic

Parent Plus eClinic


Accessibility Policy