Bushfield Road Infant School


Religious Education Curriculum Intent

At Bushfield Road Infant School, we ensure that Religious Education equips children with the skills to become curious, inspired, engaged and religiously literate to continue their lifelong learning within our multicultural world.

Our aim is to encourage our pupils to become engaged citizens, who understand respect and diversity and to see themselves as positive future role models within their society. We aim to ensure that pupils develop their confidence and assertiveness, all skills which will enable them to embrace the challenges and joys that life may bring. 

Our Religious Education curriculum within Reception offers opportunities for children to immerse themselves in talk and understand the importance of being caring and respectful. They begin to understand what makes them unique, the similarities and differences within religions, as well as understanding the beautiful world around them.

The Year 1 and 2 curriculum explores three religions and their beliefs and values these being, Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

Embedded within the curriculum are four core areas: God, Being Human, Community and Life Journey. These key areas enable pupils to retrieve and deepen their knowledge and understanding of key concepts and practices.  

We encourage our pupils to investigate, interpret and apply their skills to a variety of other subjects through cross curricular learning and the teaching of British Values, helping to prepare them to become respectful citizens within their community.  

Religious Education Curriculum Map 2022