Bushfield Road Infant School


PSHE Curriculum Intent

At Bushfield Road Infant School, we realise that children today are growing up in an increasingly complex world, therefore the teaching of PSHE and Relationship Education is essential to enable them to develop the knowledge and skills to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.

Our intent is to nurture each child, in order to offer them every opportunity to grow and learn. We want our children learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. The children, as part of the process of growing up, will be given the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially.

Pupils learn within a coherent and progressive framework using Jigsaw PSHE programme from Nursery to Year 2. The programme teaches children emotional literacy, social and lifelong skills, RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) and resilience in an age appropriate manner. The curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on prior learning. Through the 6 units – Being me in the world, Celebrating difference, Dreams and goals, Healthy me, Relationships and Changing me we provide the children with the building blocks of how to be healthy, develop healthy and respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. In addition, Big Talk Education visit school to deliver specialist RSE through their Growing up Safe: Whole School Approach programme. Members of the BigTalk Team come into school for a whole day, to talk about bodies, growing up and sex in an age appropriate manner, ensuring children (and Parents) are well educated to keep them safe, healthy and happy.

Our staff, both teaching and non-teaching, believe that pupil well-being is one of our priorities, and this extends to supporting children by supporting families. We strongly believe that through ensuring children feel happy, valued and confident we build a secure foundation for lifelong learning. PSHE is delivered not only through the curriculum but is an underlying aspect of every part of our day. The children are secure in their knowledge of the expectations of the staff and school, of our Golden Rules and of British Values. Our Playground Pals scheme aims to develop confidence and friendship, working to ensure that children feel happy on our playground.

We have strong links within the local community, religious leaders regularly visit school to deliver assemblies, taking part in charity days such as Children in Need, Sport Relief, and being part of the NSPCC campaign “Speak out, stay safe”.

The provision of extra-curricular activities is constantly being reviewed and extended and children are offered places on rotation. We offer activities that some children would not normally experience and that begin to build life skills, such as our drama and sports clubs.