Bushfield Road Infant School



Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing financial awareness, the ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems.

The Maths curriculum at Bushfield Road Infant School follows the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014. Pupils learn within a coherent and progressive framework based on White Rose Maths from Nursery to Year 2. Lessons and resources influenced by White Rose focus on the three concepts of problem solving, reasoning and fluency that help children work towards mastery. A big part of the mastery approach is teaching children to adopt a growth mindset. Maths lessons should show pupils that anyone can become a master of maths if they put in the effort and get the support they need to succeed.

Through problem-solving lessons and activities, children are encouraged to use their mathematical skills and understanding to solve problems unfamiliar to them. Maths reasoning tasks get children thinking about number problems logically so they can reach conclusions, find solutions and decide which methods to use and why. Fluency tasks help children strengthen their foundational knowledge. They practise applying their skills and understanding to different number problems with varying contexts and levels of complexity, while independently choosing the method they use to tackle number problems successfully. Fluency brings together problem-solving and reasoning.

The curriculum enables pupils to develop a rich and deep subject knowledge as our spiral Maths curriculum allows concepts to be revisited regularly. New maths learning builds on previous sticky knowledge and our teachers are skilled at revisiting prior learning before building upon new concepts. Pupils are encouraged to see clear links between different aspects of their learning in Maths and develop new skills through a variety of interesting contexts. Teachers use quality resources and promote outdoor learning in Maths where appropriate. Pupils experience the challenge and enjoyment of learning as well as developing confidence and competency with numbers and fluency of key mathematical facts.

Pupils develop self-esteem and confidence in their abilities and often reflect and think mindfully about their learning. Through working in a range of different groups, pupils build respectful friendships and recognise that people are good at different things.

The aim of our Maths curriculum is for pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for the next stage of their education.

Maths Long Term Plan 2024

Maths Vocabulary Map